Ordering Information
Every order is a custom order specific to your needs. To place an order, please email me at [email protected] or contact me through Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mod-Master-Heroclix/262445747239164?ref=profile. In preparation for your order, please consider the following questions:
1. Type of base
2. Remod/repaint
3. Size of figure
4. Picture of character you want done (front and back and any detail preferred)
5. Keywords, traits, special powers, standard powers, etc for your dial and card
6. Your location (for shipping costs)
1. Type of base
2. Remod/repaint
3. Size of figure
4. Picture of character you want done (front and back and any detail preferred)
5. Keywords, traits, special powers, standard powers, etc for your dial and card
6. Your location (for shipping costs)